CICJIS Co-Operating Agencies
CICJIS relies on the equal participation of Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI), Colorado District Attorneys Council (CDAC), Colorado Judicial, Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC), and Colorado Department of Youth Corrections (DYC).
CICJIS Executive Board/Meeting Information
The CICJIS Executive Council is composed of the Executive Officers from the five initial CICJIS entities. This group sets the basic policies.
CICJIS Task Force/Meeting Information
The CICJIS Task Force, is provided for in Statute, and is appointed by the executive directors from each department/Branch. It consists of the Information System Directors/CIOs or other high level IT representative from the five initial CICJIS Departments/Branches. This group provides a technical direction for the program, and outlines general guidance for business issues. The Chief Information Officer for CICJIS manages the various projects, works closely with the task force and reports directly to the CICJIS Executive Council.